
ARANDANOS-ECO Cada arándano es cosechada a mano. Del arándano normal se diferencia por el manejo del cultivo tanto desde su producción en campo, como su recolección y manipulación. Utilizando productos ecológicos para el manejo del cultivo y diferenciando bien dicha fruta para no tener riesgos de contaminación tanto en su recolección


CLEMENTINES Agromolinillo currently grows the following varieties: Nova y Murcott. Mandarins are citrus fruits, sweet and delicious, and can be used in many dishes and have various health benefits. Mandarins have a very high content of vitamin C and potassium. It can provide 80% of your total


BLUEBERRY The harvesting dates are variable according to the blueberry varieties planted, but around... Blueberries are berries that form part of the group known as fruits of the forest. Blueberries stand out from the rest in its category for its antioxidant, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a low


STRAWBERRY Agromolinillo grows different varieties of strawberries. The already long trajectory in this sector motivates us so that, season after season, we continue improving and diversifying, always looking for that path of excellence. Our plantation which begins in October allows us to have fruit available mid to end of December. At